TSO - Treat Special Order

We Treat Special OrderTSO.
We Treat Special Order, TSO, for a variety of products and customers with Original Wolmanized Heavy Duty CCA; Chemonite ACZA; Sillbor/FrameGuard (Borates); Wolmanized Residential Outdoor Wood, all water-borne preservative treatments. We have an immense and diversified wood-products inventory of over 20 million board feet at our three treating facilities, specializing in Douglas fir products in all shapes and sizes. As a result, we are the largest AWPA (American Wood Preservers' Association) treated Douglas fir wood supplier in the world. Our waterborne preservative treatments allow us to treat other Northwest species, such as Hemlock, Hem fir, Ponderosa pine and other whitewoods to AWPA and ICC/ICBO standards, as well as our customers' individual specifications. Our wood products (treated and untreated) are shipped worldwide.